The company was founded in the 60s by Rodolfo Pasinelli, soon involving the younger brothers Francesco and Guerino. The economic situation is very positive at the time, promotes the take-off of the company, which soon turns to go from a typical family run an organization first and then craft industry, occupying up to now a prominent place in the field national.
In recent years, in part following a path of natural evolution and partly trying to cope with the crisis that is gripping the entire industry, we have expanded our horizons, collecting more than satisfactory results in the international arena.
The need to follow the evolution of technology and modernize production, has not prevented us from soul to keep workshop of which today we children feel bearers. The ultimate goal is always wants them to a product with a strong personality, who can be distinguished by the quality and detail sought. With the knowledge of the level of quality standards achieved, we direct confrontation with the customer through the online sale, to meet the expectations of the most demanding consumer.